One effect that I really love is the marquee. With a
little imagination you can create some beautiful and
colorful effects. When creating a marquee a couple of
things you should take into consideration are that it
slows the speed of your animations down, and when you
put two marquee's too close together both of them will
drag. The basic code for the marquee is
<marquee>your text
goes here</marquee>
This is what you'll get.
Now, by adding certain attributes to this basic marquee
code, you can make your marquee look and act
differently. You can change the direction, speed, width
and color of your marquee.
This is the code for changing the direction of your
<marquee direction="right">your text goes
You'll get this.
Here's an effect I think is cool.
It just scrolls in and stops.
<marquee behavior="slide">your text goes
Heres another effect I think is pretty cool. This
effect alternates the direction of your marquee.
<marquee behavior="alternate">your text goes
This is it.
How would you like to change the speed of your marquee?
It's very simple 
Play with the numbers to come up with the exact speed
you want. The higher the number, the faster the
<marquee scrollamount="9">your text goes
Here it is.
Now, to change the width of your marquee, just add this
to your code.
Again play with your numbers to get the desired width
for your marquee.
<marquee width="250">your text goes
Your results.
You can add background color to your marquee by adding
this simple code.
<marquee bgcolor="white">your text goes
You get this.
Since the <blink></blink> tags don't work wth Webtv, this is a great way to get your text to blink.
<marquee scrollamount="500" scrolldelay="400">your text goes here</marquee>
Here's your blinking text
Note: The center tag does'nt work with this code. In order to center the blinking text you must enclose the code within the <pre></pre> tags and use the space bar to move the text where you want it on the page.
<marquee scrollamount="500" scrolldelay="400"> your text goes here
Centered Text
By using your basic font tags you can change the size,
and color of your marquee. We'll also use some of the
marquee attributes we just learned.
<center><font size="6"
color="gold"><marquee bgcolor="green" width="350"
behavior="alternate">your text goes
You'll get this.
Like I said, with a little imagination you can create
some great looking marquees.
Ok, here's another example. This one is enclosed in a
<table border="10"
bgcolor="#ff1493"><tr> <td
<font size="6" color="blue">
<marquee bgcolor="gold" behavior="alternate"
width="350" scrollamount="3">Have a Great
And here it is.
Let's see what you can come up with!